
Showing posts from January, 2022


  Life can be scary, confusing, or upsetting when you’re experiencing emotional, cognitive, and physical changes. You might even ask yourself, “Do I have a mental illness?” .      Mental disorders included in this mental health category affect not only your emotions but also your thoughts and your physical functioning. For instance, major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, phobias, social anxiety and others. For me, it's okay to not be okay and as a human who live in same society and same world the important things is HOW WE TREAT THEM ? and accept them in our life. We have probably heard about mental illness and other terms of it before but, how much we know about these mental health conditions and about how they affect people?     In my opinion, understanding these conditions can help reduce fear and misunderstanding of mental illness and empower everyone with the knowledge on how to care for their mental health, and that of their loved ones❤️. I think individual or